I Can’t Believe it’s Been a Year Already

Wow, remember this post? Back when I was still young and green and full of hope? My how the time flies. But guess what. DFWcon starts in three days! *Head explodes from excitement*

But in all honesty I am so very grateful and excited to be attending DFWcon two years in a row. This year marks the 10th anniversary, so I know it will be something special. Last year was such an eye-opening experience, not only by what I learned but by who I met. It is as if my life is split into two, pre-DFWcon and post-DFWcon.

Without this convention, I never would have had the courage to attend the Writer’s Digest Convention in New York, never would have written my third (and fourth!) novels both in under a year (well, I may have, but they would have been as shoddy and haphazard as the first two), never would have had the confidence and resolve to continue to push on despite the lack of interest from agents and I never would have met such a wonderful group of friends who now make up a majority of my writing life (writer friends are the best because we’re all introverts, lol. Well, most of us).

I can’t even imagine where I would be without this show. So not only am I incredibly excited about departing for Dallas in two days, I am so very grateful for everything his show helped me accomplish and pushed me to become. Because without this first domino, none of the others would have fallen into place.

I can’t wait to see what this year will bring.