It’s That Time of Year Again

It snuck up on me! The Writer Conference season is here and it’s coming up quick! Last year my experience began with DFWcon in Fort Worth, Texas. Unfortunately this year I thought I wouldn’t be able to go due to other commitments, but last week my schedule opened up! Texas here I come!

This has also put me into something of a scramble to get everything ready, but I already feel much more prepared since I know what to expect. I’m looking forward to seeing a lot of familiar faces as well as a few new ones and honestly I cannot wait. This year the show is in Dallas, which I only got a taste of last year and I hope I carve out some time to do a little exploring. All in all, I expect it to be a great show.

Oh yeah, and there’s the Gong Show and a bunch of Agents there or something but who wants to hear about that 😉