DFWCon is Fast Approaching

The Ninth Annual Dallas Fort Worth Writers Convention starts in a few days and I’m getting excited. It’s my first big convention that doesn’t have to do with small plastic robots. To say I’m in a flurry is a bit of an understatement. I am preparing two different manuscripts to pitch, (as my father always said: Be Prepared) and I am also preparing for a Read and Critique workshop. Finally I’ve decided I need to throw my query into the Gong Show pile if for no other reason than to see what happens.

Two months ago I didn’t even know about this convention and now it has become the center of my world for the next week and a half. Fortunately some of the great people over at Charlotte Writers Group have had some good experiences with the ‘con, so I’m hoping this becomes more than a single trip. Who knows, maybe by next year I’ll have my third manuscript done.

Back to work!

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